Crown Swapping

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Crown Swapping

Michael Pickford

Once upon a time there was a king who wore his crown with great pride. By virtue of his crown, he enjoyed great prosperity and complete authority over his subjects. Simply because he wore his crown, he was afforded great blessings. But he had an enemy who was in a different situation. This enemy, because he wore his crown, was constantly rebelled against, and many times had to endure great trials, sufferings, and hardships. But he had no choice, he had to wear his crown. This bitter king gave the blessed, rich king a lot of trouble, nevertheless, the blessed king offered to swap crowns with him. He left the beauties of his kingdom and wore the crown of the suffering king. This was a great act of love, especially since the man did nothing to deserve it. Crown swapping? Think about us. We were deserving of the crown of hardships, suffering, trials and unjust treatment. But Jesus, prompted by His great love for us, His enemies (Rom. 5:8), lovingly said, “here, You wear the crown of righteousness, the crown of life (2 Tim. 4:8; Rev. 2:10), and I’ll wear the dreaded crown of thorns.” (Matt. 27:29). Aren’t you thankful that Jesus was into crown swapping?

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