Flying Lessons

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Flying Lessons

Michael Pickford

A man can climb into the cockpit of an airplane and soar with the eagles. He can enjoy the wondrous beauties of this earth from above. But first, he must take flying lessons. These lessons are not to be taken lightly. It takes a lot of hard work, diligence, effort and learning to be able to fly a plane. Jesus can teach you how to fly. He can give you flying lessons and if you take them seriously by diligently putting forth a lot of effort and learning, you will fly! Jesus gives His lessons in His gospel. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” (Rom. 10:17) Have you began your lessons? Hear the Gospel! Obey the Gospel! Remain faithful to the Gospel! And you will fly! (Rom. 10:17; 2 Thess. 1:7-9; Rev. 2:10). How do I know you will fly? The Bible tells me. The Lord flew into heaven (Acts 1:9,10) and on the last day you too will fly up into the sky to meet Him and be with Him forever (1Thess. 4:16,17). But before you can fly, you must seriously, diligently and soberly, by way of the Gospel, take “Flying lessons.”

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