"At Joppa there was a certain disciple named Tabitha, which is translated Dorcas. This woman was full of good works and charitable deeds which she did" (Acts 9:36). The people of her day were encourage by Dorcas because she was a doer of good works. Others truly enjoyed the fruits of her labors.
Today, I continue to appreciate godly women who, like Dorcas, give of their time, money, and energy to help others. I know of women in the church who help others clean, cook, can, etc. I know of those who sew and teach younger women to do the same. Some mail out church bulletins, others baby sit and lovingly care for their grandchildren, still others are always ready to send a "get well greeting" to the sick. These are just a few things that godly women do.
There has always been and will continue to be a need for more "women professing godliness" (2 Tim. 2:10). Not only in the manner with which they adorn themselves, but also by the way they use their time and talents.
In a day when it seems there are more and more "modern day Jezebels," it is refreshing to find hard working women with morals, values, and character. I am so thankful to know a "Dorcas" or two.