When Jesus told of the great supper and how those invited made excuses pertaining to a piece of ground, oxen, and a wife - He was telling about individuals with misplaced priorities (Lk. 14:16-24).
To prioritize is to place things in proper order. It involves seeing that the most important things are attended to. It is preferring certain matters over others. It goes without saying that people outside of Christ have their priorities out of line. But what is more alarming is seeing members of local churches of Christ with misplaced priorities.
One example has to do with brethren who have no more respect for the regularly scheduled Sunday morning Bible class than to sleep-in and forego it. (People with ailments or legitimate reasons preventing them from assembling for long periods of time are not who we’re discussing.) We’re talking about folks in good health who CAN attend but CHOOSE NOT to attend. We’re talking about people who could easily make the services if they’d simply "close up shop" and "cut down the lights" a little earlier on Saturday night.
What is more important or of greater benefit to the Christian on Sunday morning than gathering with the saints to study the book of God? Are a few more minutes of sleep really that significant? Wake up brethren! Get your priorities in line! (see Mt. 6:33; Heb. 10:25)