Just ask any baseball team who’s ever won the World Series. Ask any football team who’s ever
won the Super Bowl. Ask any group of soldiers who’s ever won a battle. Ask any politician
who’s ever won the race for office. Ask any runner who’s ever won a Marathon. They will all tell
you there’s nothing like victory - Sweet Victory!
However, there has been no battle more fierce than a battle with Satan. There have been
no games more deadly than the games the devil tries to play with us to get us to veer off course.
There has been no race which requires more discipline and stamina than the one the Christian is in
for his soul. And, There will never be any victory so sweet as the one the faithful child of God will
proclaim on the last day!
Yes, temptations of Satan can be strong. Yes, the glamour and glitter of the world can be
tempting. Yes, the sacrifices we must make can be daunting. But, we are Christians. We are born
of God! And “whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has over
come the world - our faith” (1 John 5:4). If you’ll study the Bible often; if you’ll pray without
ceasing; if you’ll diligently do good works; if you’ll discipline your mind to meditate on pure
things, then through faith in Christ, you can have victory. Paul proclaimed victory as he was
nearing death (2 Timothy 4:6-8). You can too! Just “keep on keepin on.” “I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).