Old Fashioned

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Old Fashioned

Michael Pickford

Isn’t it a shame that many godly virtues are often preceeded in speech and writing by the word “Old-fashioned?” We hear of old-fashioned honesty, old-fashioned marriages, old-fashioned hospitality, and old-fashioned love, etc.. The term “old-fashioned” is defined as a fashion that is no longer in style, having the ways or tastes current in former times. Sadly, the reason these things are deemed old-fashioned is because they are so rarely seen anymore in modern day society. We live in a nation which is corrupted with deceit, selfishness, divorce, and lovelessness. Situation ethics has taken a stronghold in the minds of otherwise decent citizens. Folks will justify lying, cheating, and stealing if the situation calls for it. Even the Bible, God’s word, has been called old-fashioned and many people are trying to amend it so it will be up to date with current trends and beliefs. Listen; people, styles, and trends change, but God, His principles, and His word never changes! (Heb. 13:8). Beloved, “do not be conformed to this world” (Rom. 12:2). Be Old-Fashioned!

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