Wake Up!

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Wake Up!

Michael Pickford

A young boy lie in bed sleeping. “Wake up!” His mother yelled. It was his birthday and many gifts awaited him in the living room. All he had to do to enjoy them was wake up. But it was cold and the bed was warm. His sleep was sweet, and his dreams were pleasant. In spite of the gifts that were his to enjoy, he simply wasn’t willing to wake up. What about Christians? Some don’t find time to enjoy the blessings of Bible study and prayer and coming to services because they are too preoccupied by the pleasant things this world has to offer. That little boy was too caught up in his sleep, his dreams, his comfort to enjoy the gifts in the living room. Some Christians are too caught up in their sleep in the world, their dreams of entertainment, their comfort in the false securities of pursuing wealth to enjoy the gifts in God’s living room - The room of life! The little boy thought his parents would bring the gifts to him in bed. Some Christians think they’ll enjoy God’s gifts while lying in their bed of indifference. Sorry, it doesn’t work that way. If you want to enjoy God’s blessings - WAKE UP! “It is high time to awake out of sleep.” (Rom. 13:11)

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