The Whole Picture

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The Whole Picture

Michael Pickford

In everyday speech, folks often speak about the panoramic view of things. They speak of one needing to see or get, “the whole picture.” This is true in understanding the real meaning of any topic, subject or situation. Our court system is designed to try and give the jury the whole picture before they reach their verdict. But what of spiritual matters? Paul told us that ALL scripture is given to us by God (2 Tim. 3:16,17). Therefore, we must study ALL the bible has to say on a particular subject in order the get the entire truth, or, the whole picture. Religionists often make this mistake regarding how one obtains forgiveness of sins and salvation. Some want to take one piece of the picture, exclude it from other pieces, and surmise that this one piece alone is what saves. The “faith only” doctrine, which is very prevalent, has come about as a result of not getting the whole picture. Some read Romans 5:1 and surmise that faith only justifies us. However, there are other things in the Gospel said to save us. Namely, (1) Hearing Rom. 10:17; (2) Belief (faith) Mk. 16:16; (3) Repentance Acts 2:38; (4) Confession Rom. 10:9,10; (5) Baptism Mk. 16:16, Acts 2:38. If we add these things together, we get the whole picture of what saves our soul from sin. When it comes to the salvation of your soul, make sure you get the whole picture!

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