I recently read a news ad with a headline statement which read, “Newly elected leader of the U.S. Episcopal Church Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori said on Monday she believed homosexuality was no sin and homosexuals were created by God to love people of the same gender.” How sad! This made me remember that several times over the last year, after learning I was a member of the church of Christ, folks in the community asked me about our belief that homosexuality was acceptable. Each of them referred to articles in the Newspaper which stated that the United Church of Christ accepted homosexuals, thereby condoning the practice.
         There needs to be an explanation here. I am not a member of the Denomination known as the United Church of Christ. This denomination was established in 1957 with the merger of the Congregational Christian Churches and the Evangelical and Reformed Church. It is true that this group condones homosexuality. In fact, they strongly promote their acceptance of it! Thus the Newspaper articles. In December of 2004, they prepared a TV ad which promoted their acceptance of the sin. Their ad was rejected by some stations, but sadly was accepted by many popular ones including, but not limited to ABC Family, AMC, BET, Discovery, Fox, Hallmark, History, Nick at Nite, TBS, TNT, Travel, and TV Land.
        I am a member of the church of Christ found in the Bible (Rom. 16:16) and established by Christ himself almost two thousand years ago (Acts 2:47). The church of Christ of which I am a member accepts only the Bible as its source of authority, belief, and practice. And this Bible teaches that Homosexuality is “against nature” (Rom 1:26), “shameful” (Rom 1:27), and for those who practice it God gives up to “vile passions” (Rom. 1:26). This stands in contrast to those in today’s society who claim that homosexuals are born that way, that this is a natural desire (“It’s natural”), and that they should be accepted in their sin. God turned them away (Rom. 1:26)! Furthermore, those who practice homosexuality will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6:9). We love these people, and will accept them, just as God will, but only after they repent of their sin (i.e. stop being homosexuals) and obey the gospel (Acts 2:38; 1 Cor. 6:11). May they do so soon!