An evangelist is simply a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the Bible, this individual is referred to as an evengelist (2 Timothy 4:5), a preacher (1 Timothy 2:7), or, he may be properly referred to as a minister (2 Timothy 4:5..."fulfill your ministry."). As with the elders and deacons, these are not fancy titles for him to wear for show, but are terms which describe the nature of the work he does in the kingdom of Christ. Although an evangelist may serve as an elder (pastor, overseer) if he meets the qualifications, the term "Pastor" is not a scriptural term to apply to the preacher. The same is true with other terms such as "Reverend" or "Father."
A preacher may do his preaching while travelling to different churches, as Paul and Barnabas did (Acts 15:36). Or, he may stay in one location and work with a specific church, just as Paul stayed at Corinth for about 3 years (Acts 18:1-23). A preacher may also work in a combination of these. Some preachers work "full time" with one church, while also preaching several Gospel Meetings at other churches. Many even go to other countries to preach the Gospel.
Although there are other details involved in the work an evangelist is to do, the basic elements of his work include the two main things Paul instructed Timothy to do. 1. Study the word (2 Timothy 2:15). 2. "Preach the word" (2 Timothy 4:2).