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Newest Broadcast, April 19, 2015...
"Great Acts of Salvation", (Length:14.59), by Michael Pickford

Past Broadcasts...
July 03, 2011: "Spiritual Identity Theft", by Michael Pickford
July 10, 2011: "The Reality of Hell", by Michael Pickford
July 17, 2011: "Ashamed of the Gospel", by Michael Pickford
July 24, 2011: "Religious Unity", by Michael Pickford
August 07, 2011: "Trust In The Lord", by Michael Pickford
August 14, 2011: "Wanted: A Good Man", by Michael Pickford
August 21, 2011: "Jesus & Lazarus", by Michael Pickford
September 04, 2011: "Going To Heaven On Our Good Looks", by Michael Pickford
September 11, 2011: "See The Lord's Salvation", by Michael Pickford
September 25, 2011: "Raised With Christ", by Michael Pickford
October 02, 2011: "Access Denied", by Michael Pickford
October 09, 2011: "Salvation", by Michael Pickford
October 16, 2011: "True Success", by Michael Pickford
October 30, 2011: "Remaining Faithful", by Michael Pickford
November 06, 2011: "Running God's Track", by Michael Pickford
November 27, 2011: "The church Jesus Built", by Michael Pickford
December 18, 2011: "God Is...", by Michael Pickford
December 04, 2011: "Open Up", by Michael Pickford
January 01, 2012: "New Things", by Michael Pickford
January 29, 2012: "Bible Fools", by Michael Pickford
February 12, 2012: "God's Grand Memorial", by Michael Pickford
February 19, 2012: "Needy Children", by Michael Pickford
March 11, 2012: "Great Acts of Salvation", by Michael Pickford
March 18, 2012: "Jesus The Deliverer", by Michael Pickford
March 25, 2012: "Heresy", by Michael Pickford
April 08, 2012: "Solid Advice", by Michael Pickford
April 15, 2012: "A New Creation", by Michael Pickford
April 29, 2012: "Mistakes In The Bible", by Michael Pickford
May 06, 2012: "Prejudice", by Michael Pickford
May 13, 2012: "Three Deaths", by Michael Pickford
May 20, 2012: "A Virtuous Wife", by Michael Pickford
July 01, 2012: "AAA Service", by Michael Pickford
August 19, 2012: "Justifying Sin", by Michael Pickford
September 23, 2012: "Misunderstanding God's Word", by Michael Pickford
November 04, 2012: "I Am Thine O Lord", by Michael Pickford
November 11, 2012: "Strength To Change My Sinful Ways", by Michael Pickford
December 02, 2012: "Prominent Don'ts", by Michael Pickford
December 23, 2012: "Curb Appeal", by Michael Pickford
December 30, 2012: "New Year's Day", by Michael Pickford
January 06, 2013: "The Word Of Life", by Michael Pickford
April 07, 2013: "Save Yourself!", by Michael Pickford
April 14, 2013: "The Rich Young Ruler", by Michael Pickford
April 21, 2013: "Man's Way", by Michael Pickford
June 02, 2013: "At Calvary", by Michael Pickford
June 16, 2013: "As A Christian", by Michael Pickford
July 14, 2013: "Spiritual Liberty", by Michael Pickford
July 14, 2013: "Editing Self", by Michael Pickford
September 01, 2013: "Jesus Is Wonderful", by Michael Pickford
September 22, 2013: "The Gospel", by Michael Pickford
December 08, 2013: "Prepared", by Michael Pickford
December 15, 2013: "Obedience To God", by Michael Pickford
February 16, 2013: "Simon The Sorcercer", by Michael Pickford
April 13, 2013: "The Ethiopian Eunuch", by Michael Pickford